어떤 트램폴린이 집에서 점프하기에 좋나요?

Jul 12, 2023Jana Svobodová
We have a wide range of trampolines on offer and in theory any of them would be suitable for Jumping at home. However, most of us are concerned with these two important points anyway:

1. if I'm going to jump in front of the TV so I don't have to clear out the whole living room
2. where to put it away quickly when you have visitors
So my recommendation
For you who are struggling with free space in the apartment:
- I recommend the EXCELLENT trampoline.

It is 16cm smaller in diameter than the Standard trampoline and that's what matters now. The second advantage is the service of the trampoline, where the knitting is attached to the frame by 42 separate rubber ropes. Which you will appreciate when servicing the trampoline. Here you don't have to buy and knit one long rubber rope.

An interesting fact about the trampoline is that it arrives home folded in a box. Perhaps less cheerful is that then comes the stage with a cordless drill or hex key and you assemble the trampoline yourself. In my experience - it's not that complicated. The package includes instructions of course :-) . Or you can the assembling of the trampoline as couples therapy :-D

또 다른 장점은 여름에 오두막으로 가져가고 싶다면 다리를 분해하고 거의 모든 차에 큰 "피자"처럼 실을 수 있다는 것입니다. 단, 경고하자면 다리는 매일 분해하도록 설계되지 않았습니다. 트램폴린의 총 높이는 28.5cm이므로 보관할 공간을 미리 측정할 수 있습니다. 우리의 팁은 옷장 뒤나 침대 아래입니다... :-)

And now an option for those of you who don't care about space, just want the trampoline and do nothing more: - For you, definitely the STANDARD trampoline.

시간이 검증한 클래식, 우리의 트램폴린 중 플래그십입니다. 고정 프레임, 하나의 긴 고무 로프. 점프 영역은 Excellent 트램폴린보다 16cm 더 넓어 초보자들이 특히 감사할 것입니다. 그들의 "댄스 공간"이 단순히 더 크기 때문입니다. 트램폴린은 하나의 큰 패키지로 도착합니다. 포장된 트랙터 바퀴처럼 보입니다 - 운반하기 어려우니 바로 집으로 보내는 것을 추천합니다 :-D. 하지만: 포장을 풀고 나면 핸들바를 슬라이드로 끼우고, 우리의 유튜브 채널을 켜면 즉시 점프를 시작할 수 있습니다.

In case of service, you have to replace the whole rubber rope, but I dare say that with proper handling of the trampoline, no service will be needed. The height of the trampoline is also 25cm, just like the Excellent trampoline, so you can also smoothly slide it under the bed before visitors :-D

Hopefully, my mini guide on how to choose the best trampoline for your home has helped you... And feel free to give us feedback.
I'll be looking forward to it...

With Love Jana

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