신발, 양말, 아니면 맨발?

Jul 12, 2023Jana Svobodová
I am often asked what shoes to use for Jumping® and whether to actually practice in shoes or without.
Let me tell you: IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE.
나는 약간 현재의 "트렌드"인 맨발로 운동하거나 미니멀리스트 신발을 신는 것부터 시작할 것이다.
나는 약간 현재의 "트렌드"로 시작할 것이고, 그것은 맨발로 또는 미니멀리스트 신발을 신고 운동하는 것이다.
Why is that? There are several reasons. Everything has its pros and cons. Nothing is just black or white. A long time ago we didn't run or walk in any shoes, and some nations don't wear shoes to this day.
Several studies have been done on this subject. The results were interesting. Those who ran barefoot were landing over the toe and middle of the foot, while those who ran in shoes were more likely to land over the heel. This was due to ground reaction forces, which were not as high for barefoot running over the toe as those for running in shoes. The harder the impact, the higher these forces are. Also, studies state that the bare foot has better sensorimotor properties than the shod foot.
The other side talks about barefoot creating stress on the tissues and joint capsules. And this can lead to overuse syndromes, recurrent joint failure and osteoarthritis. Not everyone can handle it! However, we're talking primarily about running as a particular activity here.
If it is an equipment exercise or even if it is a mass fitness activity, appropriate footwear is desirable.
신발은 아무 이유 없이 만들어지지 않았습니다. 피트니스 용도로 신발은 건강적인 측면 외에도 이른바 "보호 기능"을 가지고 있습니다. 신발은 발을 걸림, 차기, 발가락 염좌, 마모 등과 같은 모든 외부 영향으로부터 보호하며, 마지막으로 위생적인 이유로 우리는 피트니스 환경에서 신발을 사용해야 합니다.
A training shoe suitable for Jumping® should meet several criteria:
- the sole of the shoe should not be slippery, it should be flexible to adapt to all your movements
- the shoe should keep the ankle braced, so it should be firm both on the side and in the heel area
- ultra lightweight designs are preferable
- the right size and shape - pay close attention to the choice of size. The toe should not touch the toe of the shoe
the best option is a lace-up shoe that you can tighten as needed
Generally running shoes are not recommended for fitness centres and circuit training due to the heavy lifting involved.
But for the purposes of Jumping®, I would recommend the running shoe as it meets all the criteria listed above. 또한, 러닝화에는 "드롭"이 있으며, 이는 신발의 뒤꿈치와 발가락 사이의 차이를 나타냅니다(보통 밀리미터로 표시됨). "낮은" 드롭을 추천합니다. 이는 발의 중간 부분에 장애물 없이 착지하는 데 도움이 되며, 동시에 제로 드롭만큼 종아리와 아킬레스건에 부담을 주지 않습니다.
Definitely don't practice in what shoes:
- Leisure shoes: these were made for walking at a moderate pace somewhere around town. They are not reinforced or cushioned.
- "컨버스": 이 유형의 신발은 발목보다 엉덩이가 더 중요한 역할을 하는 운동에 "단지" 적합합니다. 예를 들어, 이들은 파워리프터에게 적합합니다.
And after what we have discussed together, it is clear to everyone that you should definitely not wear socks for Jumping®!
Finally, my recommendations for a particular type of shoe that suit me. I have tried hundreds of pairs of shoes of different brands and types on Jumping®.
Jumping®를 위해 "Under Armour"의 적합한 신발을 아직 찾지 못했습니다. 그들의 옷은 최고인데 아쉬운 일입니다. 다른 브랜드들은 지금까지 저를 불쾌하게 하거나 기쁘게 하지 않았습니다. 지난 2년 동안, 우리 팀 전체가 ADIDAS 브랜드, 특히 "ULTRABOOST" 타입을 멋지게 착용하고 있습니다.. Functionally, they meet 100% of our needs, but have a more urban style. The perfect combination. As a bonus, some are made from recyclable material. They are made using plastic waste from beaches and coastlines that would otherwise end up in the ocean. The other 50% of the yarn is made from recycled polyester. Great idea and I applaud them.
The right shoe can make everything different. - Jimmy Char
With Love, Jana

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