왜 육각형인가요?

Jul 12, 2023Jana Svobodová
When you look around the trampoline offering today, you encounter hexagons very frequently. We can probably agree on that.
This trampoline shape has defended its position in the market. And in my opinion, completely deservedly!
However, where has the hexagonal trampoline shape come from???
All of you certainly already know that we conceived Jumping in 2001. You must have read the article And what were you doing in 2001? above. And if not, go read it, pit-a-pat :-).
In that year, we started Jumping on round trampolines. There was essentially no other shape in the market. And for a long time. Basically until 2011 :-), when the HEXAGONAL TRAMPOLINE was born. I dare to claim that we came with this breakthrough shape.
Those 10 years (it sounds horrible when you consider I am 33 now) of practice with Jumping gave us enough experience for finding out what Jumping and a Jumping client actually want and need.
One day, we were standing on a dusty road near the garage and speaking, how else, about Jumping. We were drawing various shapes into the dusty road with our feet and then the breakthrough idea came: “A CIRCLE IS INEFFICIENT. WHAT ABOUT A HEXAGON?!” Most exercises are sideways, into sidesteps. We need the most space there.
And the feeling of elation, love, victory arrives again. You know the gut feeling when you realise that the thought, the idea is just IT.”
4 is not enough, 8 is too much, so hello there, Jana :-*

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